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Sentiment Analysis & Intentions | Gem – LLM

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virtualdev, virtual dev, ai, ia, gpt, GPT, bot, openai, chatgpt, chatbot, ai factory, machine learning, ML, deep learning, generative, transformers, transformer, NLP, nlp, LLM, llm, conignitive as a service, bot as a service, bot as a services, AI agents, chatbot generative, chatbot generative ai, generative bots, generative bot, conversational models, ai generative, conversationals chatbots synthetic people, models, natural language process, large language process, cognition, generative chatbot, named entities recognition, NER, OCR, algorithm, analytics, data analytics, ETL, etl, big data, bigdata, attention all you need, cloudera, powerBI, pretraining, pre-training, sentiment analysis, classification, prediction, algorithms, data mining, data lake, cleansing, data science, simulation and modeling of natural processes, servicios cognitivos, ia factory, inteligencia artificial, chatbots conversacionales, software factory, Amazon, AWS, microsoft azure, azure, solidity, blockchain, ethereum


It allows you to identify emotions, analyze and predict behaviors and intentions. It is a useful tool in any activity, whether it is the production of services, products, communication, marketing, politics, health, education, among others.


By Gen-IA

Understanding emotions to manage strategically

Gem analyzes natural language, understanding the emotions and opinions of the various existing audiences, generated or transmitted through different applications, social networks, online comments, among others. It allows you to analyze both texts and audios.

This allows:

  • Better identify opportunities and minimize future drawbacks.
  • Better understand existing resources and manage them efficiently.

Get ahead in decision making by obtaining specific information.

gen-ia, gen-a dev, ai, ia, gpt, GPT, bot, openai, chatgpt, chatbot, ai factory, machine learning, ML, deep learning, generative, transformers, transformer, NLP, nlp, LLM, llm, conignitive as a service, bot as a service, bot as a services, AI agents, cognitive services, chatbot generative, chatbot generative ai, generative bots, generative bot, conversational models, ai generative, conversationals chatbots synthetic people, models, natural language process, large language process, cognition, generative chatbot, named entities recognition, NER, OCR, algorithm, analytics, data analytics, ETL, etl, big data, bigdata, attention all you need, cloudera, powerBI, pretraining, pre-training, sentiment analysis, classification, prediction, algorithms, data mining, data lake, cleansing, data science, simulation and modeling of natural processes, servicios cognitivos, ia factory, inteligencia artificial, chatbots conversacionales, software factory, Amazon, AWS, microsoft azure, azure, solidity, blockchain, ethereum, aml solution

Reasons why you should count on Gem LLM

  • It allows you to control and manage brand reputation.
  • Detect trends allowing you to get ahead of them and maximize the benefit of opportunities.
  • It detects emotional patterns and can thus be used in education, health, public opinion, human resources management, among others. Always anticipating possible problems or existing opportunities.
  • Evaluate the public’s perception in real time of your brand, business, activity, political image, among others. This way you can take corrective actions that improve this perception immediately.
  • It allows you to understand what issues the target audience of your business, campaign or activity really values, desires or motivates, allowing you to make strategic decisions in the field of communication and marketing.
  • It allows you to obtain information about the assessment that the target audience makes of your competitors. In this way, you can obtain accurate information to gain competitiveness.
  • Prevents and mitigates effects of potential or current crises. By staying informed about emotions and opinions in relation to a topic, you can detect existing negative elements and take action quickly to reverse or reduce the impacts of potential crises.
  • Identify and prevent potential fraud by analyzing text and audio information.
gen-ia, gen-a dev, ai, ia, gpt, GPT, bot, openai, chatgpt, chatbot, ai factory, machine learning, ML, deep learning, generative, transformers, transformer, NLP, nlp, LLM, llm, conignitive as a service, bot as a service, bot as a services, AI agents, cognitive services, chatbot generative, chatbot generative ai, generative bots, generative bot, conversational models, ai generative, conversationals chatbots synthetic people, models, natural language process, large language process, cognition, generative chatbot, named entities recognition, NER, OCR, algorithm, analytics, data analytics, ETL, etl, big data, bigdata, attention all you need, cloudera, powerBI, pretraining, pre-training, sentiment analysis, classification, prediction, algorithms, data mining, data lake, cleansing, data science, simulation and modeling of natural processes, servicios cognitivos, ia factory, inteligencia artificial, chatbots conversacionales, software factory, Amazon, AWS, microsoft azure, azure, solidity, blockchain, ethereum, aml solution


Empower yourself

Trained in your business, your processes and your clients with your own information.

Vers, 1.1.5  |  2023